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February 1, 2017 - In This Issue:
The Importance of Retaining Your Employees
Retaining your employees may be the most significant challenge that you as an employer may face. After what often amounts to years of investment; building a competent staff through training, mentoring and other types of guidance, you do not want to lose your best resources. Your staff is critical to the success of your business!

The Cost Issue
When employees leave, they take with them key knowledge, experience, and whatever training investment your organization has made in them. Furthermore, you must spend valuable time and money replacing them and training new recruits. Not only is the knowledge and experience of your long term employees critical to the success of your business, you can't discount the relationships that they have established with your customers! Customers like coming to a business where they are recognized by the staff. It creates customer loyalty and when a company is continually replacing their staff, the company's reputation is damaged.
When employees leave, there is also a significant financial loss to the organization. The amount varies, according to the position of the employee. There is the payout of outstanding vacation time, recruiting fees and training costs for the new employee. In many cases, there is also diminished productivity in the organization as a result of the low morale of the remaining employees.

How Do You Avoid Employee Turnover?
Create an effective retention plan that helps you understand why employees stay with or leave an organization-and use that information to put in place a range of strategies to ensure your organization meets employees' needs and expectations. Make your business a place where employees enjoy working. If an employee enjoys their work, they will do a better job and it will be apparent to your customers. Your goal should be to have your employees be ambassadors for your company!
  • When hiring, you need to start by properly explaining what the position is and what duties will be required. Many times new employees don't stay with an organization because they didn't completely understand the position that they were hired for.
  • Hire the right person for the job. Make sure that the new hire has the right skill-set, experience/education and personality for the position.
  • Provide the proper training, to insure that the new staff member has a clear understanding of how to perform their duties and is not learning by trial and error.
  • Increase your human resource skills, so that you will know how to create loyalty and avoid losing your staff to the competition.
  • Let employees' be involved in the decisions that affect their work. It is far easier to get employee "buy in" if they have been involved in the process.
  • Be aware that different things motivate different people.   For example: an employee with young children may value having a more flexible schedule. The same person may be motivated by other things once their children are older.

Staff Retention

DATE: March 21, 2017

TIME: 9:00am-12:00pm

COST: Complimentary, Regular $99+GST


For more information or to register, please contact us at 204-957-7437, or email register@mtec.mb.ca.  


MTEC'S Semi-Annual Job Fair at the RBC Convention Centre

MTEC is holding our Semi-Annual Job Fair at the RBC Convention Centre from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday March 22, 2017.

This is the perfect venue to recruit employees. On average there are 400-500 job seekers attending this event. Have you received a Registration Form? If not, please click here for  the registration form.

Job Seekers:
Keep your eye on the Job Board - we'll list employers as they register. For the most current list of employers, please check the job board by clicking here.

If you are interested in participating in the Job Fair, please contact either Luanne Christensen or Kate Schellenberg at 204-957-7437.

The Manitoba Tourism Education College

Great careers begin at MTEC! Register now for the next training programs beginning on February 13th, 2017.

The Manitoba Tourism Education College (MTEC) is a recognized post-secondary institution that is registered with Manitoba Education and Training, Advanced Learning Division. The College offers 6 and 8 week comprehensive training programs for needed positions in the hospitality and retail industries in Manitoba.

All of the training is delivered in the classroom, with a portion of the Line Cook Training Program delivered in a commercial kitchen. Training focuses on the essential skills required to perform in all of the positions. Students not only gain the education and skill to perform these jobs, they will have gained practical experience through their work practicum.
  • Front Desk Clerk - 6 Week Training Program
  • Line Cook - 8 week Training Program
Training Programs can be combined and students will graduate with training and experience in 2 or more occupations.
For more information on the Manitoba Tourism Education College training programs, visit our website at www.MTECcollege.ca, email us at info@MTECcollege.ca or call (204) 957-7437.  

Attention Event Coordinators & Planners!

In a rapidly growing industry, Event planners are being called upon to develop and stage a number of events every year.

Whether you are new to the industry or established in your career, MTEC's 3- Part Training Series for Event Coordinators and Planners will provide the tools to assist you in planning an event from start to finish, covering areas such as administration, marketing, human resources, risk management and more!

This series will also be very beneficial for those of you who may not have the title of 'Event Planner', but you are the person in your organization who performs that function as part of your position, i.e.: organizing the annual golf tournament, AGM, conference, etc.

A comprehensive emerit Event Coordinator Workbook, valued at $85.00 is included.

Our upcoming workshop series will be held on March 17, March 24 and March 31, 2017.

For more information please click here, or to register, please contact Fiona Slikker at fslikker@mtec.mb.ca, or by phone at 204-957-7437.  
February & March Upcoming Training

*Motivating & Giving Positive Feedback
February 10   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

Food Handler Certification - Saturday
February 11   |   9:00am-4:00pm   |  More Info 
COST: $85.00+GST  *Challenge Exam Available $55.00+GST

*Event Coordinator 101
February 13   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Stress Management
February 16   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Serving Techniques That Create An Exceptional Guest Experience
February 17   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Negotiating - Achieving Better Solutions
February 22   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Time Management
February 24   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Networking, The Power of Connected People
February 27   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Manitoba BEST Service Excellence
February 28   |   9:00am-4:00pm   |  More Info  

Food Handler Certification
February 28   |   9:00am-4:00pm   |  More Info 
COST: $85.00+GST  *Challenge Exam Available $55.00+GST

*Developing a Policies & Procedures Manual
March 13   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Marketing In A Digitally Savvy World
March 14   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*LinkedIn for Business
March 16   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

Food Handler Certification
March 16   |   9:00am-4:00pm   |  More Info
COST: $85.00+GST  *Challenge Exam Available $55.00+GST

3-Part Training Series for Event Coordinators and Planners- Introduction, Overview and Administrative Skills
March 17   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info
COST: $350+GST

*Staff Retention
March 21   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Leadership Promotion - Making The Transition From Peer To Boss
March 22   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

*Assertiveness In The Workplace
March 23   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

3-Part Training Series for Event Coordinators and Planners- Event Coordination and Marketing
March 24   |   9:00am-4:00pm   |  More Info
COST: $350+GST

*Art of Communication
March 28   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info

3-Part Training Series for Event Coordinators and Planners- Risk Management, Human Resources, Communication and Professionalism
March 31   |   9:00am-4:00pm   |  More Info

*Basic Business Math-The Numbers That Will Help Your Business Succeed
March 31   |  9:00am-12:00pm  |  More Info 
*Complimentary Sessions

Contact MTEC at 204-957-7437 or email register@mtec.mb.ca.

All courses will be held at the MTEC Training Centre, 75 Scurfield Boulevard, Unit 3, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3Y 1P6.   **Free parking available!
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
                                                    ~ Benjamin Franklin
Manitoba Tourism Education Council, 75 Scurfield Boulevard, Unit 3, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1P6 Canada
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