emerit Training Solutions
emerit Training Solutions offer skills training & professional certification for hospitality and tourism trades. From Occupational Standards to online learning, we have resources to fit your unique training needs.
Are you dealing with inconsistent service and performance standards amongst staff?
Consider the following resources that can be used as effective reference manuals meant to compliment your in-house training:
emerit National Occupational Standards - These are concise and point form, ideal to help you establish service standards, develop job descriptions and cross train. You can download over 40 different job specific standards.
emerit Workbooks - These workbooks take the standards and complete them with real life examples, quizzes and exercises that reinforce, in a self-study format, the skills required to be considered competent in a job.
emerit Trainers’ Guides - Target today’s tourism professionals. Their easy-to-follow format includes exercises and guidance activities designed to help you effectively deliver, follow-up and evaluate training. And using the additional exercises that complement each emerit workbook, you can reinforce material according to your particular needs.
About emerit Professional Certification
Certification from emerit identifies and recognizes candidates who meet the National Occupational Standards for their occupation. National Occupational Standards are documents that catalogue the skills and knowledge required to be competent in an occupation. They are developed by industry professionals and other subject matter experts to reflect actual workplace conditions and current issues affecting the occupation. Certified professionals have demonstrated that they have met the Standards, gaining recognition as a top performer in their field and the increased job mobility and opportunities that industry credentials provide.
All emerit certification exams and evaluations are built directly from the National Occupational Standards for the occupation. The National Occupational Standards are the most important study resource for those preparing for the certification exam. There are also occupation specific Workbooks, eBooks and Online Learning available from emerit which are excellent resources on their own or as preparation for certification, but they are not required to be certified. Prior learning, past experience and knowledge gained while working in the occupation or industry are also valuable for those challenging the certification.