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Success Stories From MTEC


Testimonial Interviews

Juan Paulido Testimonial Joel Waterman Testimonial

What People are Saying

"The leadership training that our team attended was a solid investment. The moderator along with the way in which the content was delivered was very impactful. Our team benefited from the in-person group sessions and being able to meet with participants from other businesses with shared experiences was vital. Thank you to MTEC for being a reliable partner to help drive our retail excellence. "

David Stern
Canadian Footwear General Manager

"As a result of the training I am more conscientious of my customers needs and try to provide for that. It can be as simple as putting an extra blanket on their bed. Positive customer testimonials are my tell tale signs that I'm doing a good job."

Jenny Dupas – Manitoba BEST Service Excellence participant
Moon Gate Bed & Breakfast

"The training was one part of our sales training program. The program has been successful because all of the training we received was of a very high quality."

Ben Sparrow
Inn At The Forks

"At Sparrow Hotels, we continue to utilize the training and resources offered by MTEC as often and efficiently as we can. While shortage around labour and a skilled workforce was an issue pre-pandemic, this challenge has obviously been amplified as we navigated our post-pandemic world. Our company owns, operates and manages four different hotels in Winnipeg. Inn at the Forks, Norwood Hotel, Mere Hotel and Wyndham Garden Winnipeg Airport. As we navigated lockdowns, layoffs and at times up to a 90% reduction in revenues, we ultimately saw many staff move on from the industry. Some departments at some of our properties only retained approximately 25% of our staff. Sourcing a new employee base and availing ourselves of any and all industry training for them, has been essential to our recovery and success.

As we have always done historically, we try to send many of our employees, both Managers and Associates to various MTEC programs whenever possible. One area of focus recently has been to consider courses that our key Managers and Supervisors may have taken pre-pandemic, but now need a refresher, given the time that has elapsed and the dynamics of our new business landscape.

Additionally, sending employees new to the industry through “introductory” courses has proven incredibly helpful and MTEC’s value in this regard may be more impactful than ever. We recently sent more than two dozen employees to “Serving Techniques that Create and Exceptional Experience” and it proved to be a good refresher for more experienced Food and Beverage employees and foundational for newer ones. The returns to our business can be observed through improved customer feedback and less operational deficiencies.

Recently, I have been impressed with the volume of Indigenous students taking courses at MTEC and the programming that is being curated by the organization to tap into this important labour market. This is even that much more relevant for our company, given that the Wyndham property that we manage is owned by Long Plain First Nation and employing as many Indigenous associates as possible is both a mandate for us and a professional, community priority. Additionally, our industry has seen many recently landed Ukrainian immigrants join us, all that MTEC offers can only assist in developing the fundamental building blocks these new employees will need to be successful in their careers."

Joel Waterman
Sparrow Hotels

"Thank you for the reminder about the Retail Merchandising workshop.

It was a pleasure to attend, and I found it full of valuable information. The pictures shown were great-words cannot describe what a picture can show in an instant.

Having just done a renovation to increase my sales floor, the timing of this workshop, for me, was perfect. I am excited to finish rearranging my shop to improve the displays, and now have some knowledge to make them more effective!"

Lori St. Vincent
Little Details Gift Shop
St. Malo, MB.

"I have been working in the hospitality industry for fourteen years and have been a Front Office Manager for the past five. I decided to take the MTEC Supervisory Certification Course to help round my knowledge.

As part of the opening management team for the Sandman Hotel and Suites, I was responsible for the front office department, which had to be started from scratch. Everything from: hiring, training, scheduling to setting up how the front office would run.

The E-merit course that I completed in 2009 was very diverse with the skills it taught. With this knowledge and my experience I am hoping to further my career and eventually take on a roll as a General Manager.

I would recommend this course to anyone considering a career in the hospitality industry especially if considering management positions as it enables you to gain a little knowledge into each area of the operations and understand the synergy it take to run a hotel."

Kyne Hunt  |  Front Office Manager
Sandman Hotel and Suites

"Over the last few years we have formalized our activation processes for the events we sponsor at Manitoba Lotteries. Part of this evolution has been the emerit National certification of our Event Coordinators through MTEC. To demonstrate the importance of this certification and application of National Standards to our processes, I have gone through the program myself to become certified as an Event Coordinator. Next on the list, Event Manager. 

I’m proud to say that three of our Coordinators have been fully certified to date and the remaining staff are at various stages of working towards this goal. Having the consistency of National standards guiding our processes has added an extra level of both professionalism and excellence to the work that we do out in the community. From a relationship building perspective, our partners also have the ability to tap into a wealth of knowledge from our staff expertise. It’s a win/win situation both for us and the organizations we work with!"

Chrystal Roberts  |  Director, Community Support & Partnerships
Manitoba Lotteries

"I have been working in the events industry for almost four years. MTEC was a driving force for me when I was unsure how to get started.

I went through the TCP (EVC) certification process from 2005-2006 and found it fair, relevant to many event situations, and challenging. The requirement to work 1500 hours in the industry gives the certification validity because practical experience is equally as important as education. Although you can self-study the textbook, which is a very thorough publication, I would recommend taking a workshop series, such as one offered by entrepreneur and event manager Shirley Tillett (visit 

I found that the evaluation as a whole was a good breakdown with various methods including a multiple choice exam, a written case study, and a personal interview. The MTEC staff was very helpful in recommending which components to focus on when I was studying. They do want you to succeed!

Having the TCP (EVC) designation has been a great addition to my resume and has impressed potential employers. Many people don’t know that this designation exists, and there is value in being the person to bring this to their attention. This title gives me credibility and gives the employer a feeling of confidence that I know my stuff. It also shows that I am committed to professional development and willing to learn new things. I have used sample critical paths and the MTEC textbook to prepare for job interviews. Seeing what I produce with these tools shows employers that I am a leader and will see a project through to the end.

From time to time I review the textbook and workshop notes when I’m preparing events to ensure that things haven’t gotten missed. As an event planner, you are the person who needs to worry about the details so you’ve got to think of everything!

Now I proudly wear my TCP designation pin when I am managing events."

Janine Guinn  |  Events Manager
United Way of Winnipeg

"I was asked by the Canadian Tourism Human Resources Council to participate on a committee that is updating National Occupational Standards and course content to become certified as a Wine Server. The CTHRC has tourism education councils in each province and territory of Canada, MTEC is responsible for our province. One can study online and become certified in many tourism-industry related occupations, such as a housekeeping room attendant, casino dealer, tour operator or wine server, to name a few. 

Our work began in January of this year, the start of many firsts for me! I participated in several conference calls and read and re-read the National Occupational Standards to be completely familiar with the material being presented to participants. There were 8 of us in total on the committee, from all areas of Canada and representing different areas of the wine industry. Members of the committee worked in wineries, restaurants, culinary schools, private wine stores, and I was the sole representative from the hotel industry. From March 2nd-5th we all met in Ottawa to go over every question in the bank of possible questions that may appear on the final exam. Questions were examined for validity and accuracy, as well as confirmation/creation of the correct answer and 3 'distractors' - possible answers that were not too easy or difficult. It was my first business trip and my first time to Ottawa! Ottawa is a beautiful city! The people are very friendly, and the city itself was so clean!

All in all it was a fantastic experience! Meeting peers in other areas of the wine industry and contributing to a program that Canadians country-wide will look to as their first steps into this exciting field, was truly the experience of a lifetime!"

Tiffany Gustafson  |  Server
The Fairmont Winnipeg

"The days I come back to work from MTEC I am in such a good mood and I think it is because of the energy and the interaction with you and the wonderful staff at MTEC. Honestly, I'm not just saying this but you have truly created not just a training but a pleasant environment to spend time at."

Rashin R.
Vita Health

"Film Training Manitoba (FTM) wishes to thank Manitoba Tourism Education Council (MTEC) for the top-notch training session on Instagram and Facebook for Business.

Since undertaking this training FTM developed a strategy on growing our social media capacities. Using the learning, FTM has grown our Facebook followers over 3,500 likes and followers. In addition, we have more than doubled our active users.

As a result of the MTEC training FTM has grown our overall participant numbers while also saving staffing time – our courses have been filling up using less traditional means like one-on one phone calls and in-person meetings."

Adam Smoluk  |  Managing Director
Film Training Manitoba