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2-Part Series Experiential Tourism DAY 1
2-Part Series Experiential Tourism DAY 2
2-Part Series Fundamentals of Human Resources for Managers DAY 2
2-Part Series Fundamentals of Human Resources for Managers DAY 1
3-Part Series for Event Coordinators and Planners DAY 1
3-Part Series for Event Coordinators and Planners DAY 2
3-Part Series for Event Coordinators and Planners DAY 3
3-Part Series Next Level Leadership DAY 1 CLASSROOM
3-Part Series Next Level Leadership DAY 2 CLASSROOM
3-Part Series Next Level Leadership DAY 3 CLASSROOM
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 1 - Business Description & Market Research (CLASSROOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 1 - Business Description & Market Research (ZOOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 2 - Marketing Strategy & Planning: Part 1 (CLASSROOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 2 - Marketing Strategy & Planning: Part 1 (ZOOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 3 - Marketing Strategy & Planning: Part 2 (CLASSROOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 3 - Marketing Strategy & Planning: Part 2 (ZOOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 4 - Management, Operations & Funding Sources (CLASSROOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 4 - Management, Operations & Funding Sources (ZOOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 5 - Financial Planning (CLASSROOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 5 - Financial Planning (ZOOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 6 - Risk Assessment & Executive Summary (CLASSROOM)
6-Part Business Plan Development Series - DAY 6 - Risk Assessment & Executive Summary (ZOOM)
AED / CPR 2 Hour Session
Art of Communication CLASSROOM
Art of Communication ZOOM
Assertiveness in the Workplace CLASSROOM
Assertiveness in the Workplace ZOOM
Attention to Detail (Crash Course) CLASSROOM
Business Etiquette CLASSROOM
Business Etiquette ZOOM
Business Insurance
Change Management In A Changing World ZOOM
Change a Losing Game-How to Pivot to a Winning Position CLASSROOM
Change a Losing Game-How to Pivot to a Winning Position ZOOM
Change Management In A Changing World CLASSROOM
Civility In Manitoba ZOOM
Civility in Manitoba CLASSROOM
Community Tourism Planning In Manitoba
Conflict Resolution Skills CLASSROOM
Conflict Resolution Skills ZOOM
Courage To Face Fear and Confidence to Embrace Change CLASSROOM
Courage To Face Fear and Confidence to Embrace Change ZOOM
Creating Policies and Procedures Your Employees Will Want to Follow CLASS
Creating Policies and Procedures Your Employees Will Want to Follow ZOOM
Critical Thinking Skills (Crash Course) CLASSROOM
Critical Thinking Skills (Crash Course) ZOOM
Cultivating Better Boundaries To Enhance Personal & Professional Development CLASSROOM
Cultivating Better Boundaries To Enhance Personal & Professional Development ZOOM
Cultural Considerations in the Workplace CLASSROOM
Cultural Considerations in the Workplace ZOOM
Cultural Considerations in the Workplace- Full Day CLASSROOM
Delegation & Personnel Management (Crash Course) CLASSROOM
Delegation & Personnel Management (Crash Course) ZOOM
Diversity in the Workplace CLASSROOM
Diversity in the Workplace ZOOM
Email Communication-Beyond The Basics CLASSROOM
Email Communication-Beyond The Basics ZOOM
Emotional Intelligence CLASSROOM
Emotional Intelligence ZOOM
Ethical Decision Making For Leaders CLASSROOM
Ethical Decision Making For Leaders ZOOM
Event Coordinator 101 CLASSROOM
Event Coordinator 101 ZOOM
Food Handler Certification
Forgiveness-a Skill Worth Honing CLASSROOM
Forgiveness-A Skill Worth Honing ZOOM
From Stress to Strength: Valuable Tools to Tackle Today's Anger and Worry Classroom (NEW)
From Stress to Strength: Valuable Tools to Tackle Today's Anger and Worry Zoom (NEW)
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management CLASSROOM
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management ZOOM
Generations in the Workplace CLASSROOM
Generations in the Workplace ZOOM
Gratitude-The New Essential, Transferable Skill CLASSROOM
Gratitude-The New Essential, Transferable Skill ZOOM
Handling Difficult Situations - Supervisors & Managers CLASSROOM
Handling Difficult Situations - Supervisors & Managers ZOOM
Handling Difficult Situations and When You Shouldn't CLASSROOM
Handling Difficult Situations CLASSROOM
Handling Difficult Situations ZOOM
How To Handle Toxic Behavior CLASSROOM
How To Handle Toxic Behavior ZOOM
How to Stick to the Right Habits CLASSROOM
How to Stick to the Right Habits ZOOM
Human Resource Management ZOOM
Impairment and Cannabis in the Workplace
Integrating Gen Z Into Your Workforce Classroom (New)
Integrating Gen Z Into Your Workforce ZOOM (New)
Keep Kids Safe-How to Spot & Report Child & Youth Exploitation CLASSROOM
Keep Kids Safe-How to Spot & Report Child & Youth Exploitation ZOOM
Lateral Thinking Tools CLASSROOM
Lateral Thinking Tools ZOOM
Leadership Promotion-Making The Transition from Peer to Boss CLASSROOM
Leadership Promotion-Making The Transition from Peer to Boss ZOOM
Leadership Strategies For Respectful Workplaces CLASSROOM
Leadership Strategies For Respectful Workplaces ZOOM
Learning to Live on Higher Ground CLASSROOM *NEW*
Management vs. Leadership CLASSROOM
Management vs. Leadership ZOOM
Managing Mental Health in the Workplace ZOOM
Manitoba Ambassador Program CLASSROOM
Manitoba Ambassador Program ZOOM
Manitoba Day Trips NEW
Manitoba Service Excellence Refresher CLASSROOM
Manitoba Service Excellence Refresher ZOOM
Manitoba Service Excellence-Training To Give Your Business the Competitive Edge ZOOM
Manitoba Service Excellence: Training to Give Your Business the Competitive Edge CLASSROOM
Manitoba Service Excellence: Training to Give Your Business The Competitive Edge-For Managers CLASSROOM
Marketing Your Business in Challenging Times CLASSROOM
Marketing Your Business in Challenging Times ZOOM
Motivating & Giving Effective Feedback CLASSROOM
Motivating & Giving Effective Feedback ZOOM
Networking-The Power Of Connecting With People CLASSROOM
Networking-The Power Of Connecting With People ZOOM
No Fear Negotiation CLASSROOM
No Fear Negotiation ZOOM
Occupational Safety and Health Basics Zoom
Performance Coaching For Success CLASSROOM
Performance Coaching For Success ZOOM
Personal Safety-Being Aware of Your Surroundings & Assessing People Around You CLASSROOM
Personal Safety-Being Aware of Your Surroundings & Assessing People Around You ZOOM
Policies & Procedures-Manage Risk & Create Control CLASSROOM
Policies & Procedures-Manage Risk & Create Control ZOOM
Possibilities at Work or is it Working on Possibilities CLASSROOM
Possibilities at Work or is it Working on Possibilities ZOOM
Presentation Skills-Getting Your Message Across With Confidence CLASSROOM
Presentation Skills-Getting Your Message Across With Confidence ZOOM
Professional Telephone Skills CLASSROOM
Professional Telephone Skills for Supervisors CLASSROOM
Professional Telephone Skills for Supervisors ZOOM
Professional Telephone Skills ZOOM
Professionalism in the Workplace CLASSROOM
Professionalism In The Workplace ZOOM
Project Management (Crash Course) CLASSROOM
Project Management (Crash Course) ZOOM
Protecting Your Employees, Customers and Property From Exposure to Fentanyl CLASSROOM NEW
Protecting Your Employees, Customers and Property From Exposure to Fentanyl ZOOM NEW
Reading and Understanding Financial Statements and Using them as a Management Tool ZOOM
Reading and Understanding Financial Statements and Using them as a Management Tool CLASSROOM
Resilience to Survive & Thrive As Life Changes CLASSROOM
Resilience to Survive & Thrive As Life Changes ZOOM
Respectful Workplaces CLASSROOM
Respectful Workplaces ZOOM
Retail Customer Service Excellence CLASSROOM
Retail Customer Service Excellence ZOOM
Retail Theft: Protecting Your Staff & Customers (NEW) CLASS
Retail Theft: Protecting Your Staff & Customers (NEW) ZOOM
Safe Knife Handling
Self Development & Awareness CLASSROOM
Self Development & Awareness ZOOM
Serving Techniques That Create An Exceptional Guest Experience CLASSROOM
Serving Techniques That Create An Exceptional Guest Experience ZOOM
Setting Employee Expectations CLASS *NEW*
Setting Employee Expectations ZOOM *NEW*
Social Intelligence CLASSROOM
Social Intelligence ZOOM
Social Media Marketing Strategy CLASSROOM
Social Media Marketing Strategy ZOOM
Staff Retention-How to Avoid Employee Turn-Over CLASSROOM
Staff Retention-How to Avoid Employee Turn-Over ZOOM
Strategic Leadership ZOOM
Strategies For Combating Crime Impacting The Hospitality & Tourism Industry CLASSROOM
Strategies For Combating Crime Impacting The Hospitality & Tourism Industry ZOOM
Stress Management In The Workplace CLASSROOM
Stress Management In The Workplace ZOOM
Stress-How It Affects Your Health & How To Deal With It ZOOM
Stress-How It Affects Your Health & How To Deal With It CLASSROOM
Taking Back Control-Using Mindfulness To Cope With Challenging Situations CLASSROOM
Taking Back Control-Using Mindfulness to Cope With Challenging Situations ZOOM
Team Building
Team Building-ZOOM
Time Management (Crash Course) CLASSROOM
Time Management CLASSROOM
Time Management ZOOM
Winning Back Customers, Identify Current Market Opportunities and Reposition Your Business CLASSROOM
Winning Back Customers, Identify Current Market Opportunities and Reposition Your Business ZOOM
Winnipeg Ambassador Program CLASSROOM
Winnipeg Ambassador Program ZOOM
Workplace Health & Safety Procedures (Crash Course) CLASSROOM
Workplace Health & Safety Procedures (Crash Course) ZOOM
Writing For The Workplace CLASSROOM
Writing For The Workplace ZOOM
Younger Workers: Why They Stay & Why They Leave CLASSSROOM
Younger Workers: Why They Stay & Why They Leave ZOOM