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Business Training Account Request

  1. Select the training you would like your employees to take.
  2. Enter your business details (all fields are required).
  3. Click Submit to send your registration.
  4. All account requests will be reviewed and qualified businesses will be sent access codes for their employees to go on-line and take the training.

➤ Clean It Right

Delivered in four customized modules. Pick the module that best applies to your business.
 Clean It Right - Hotels, Motels and Bed & Breakfasts (includes a restaurant / food services section for full service businesses)
 Clean It Right - Restaurants and Food Services
 Clean It Right - Retail Businesses (includes a restaurant / food services section for full service businesses)
 Clean It Right - Offices & Service Centres

➤ Handling Difficult Situations

 HANDLING DIFFICULT SITUATIONS and when you shouldn't...

➤ Safety/Crime

 Retail Theft: Protecting Your Staff & Customers Video
 Strategies For Combating Crime Video
 Personal Safety - Being Aware of Your Surroundings
 Protecting Your Staff, Customers and Property from Fentanyl Exposure
 Drugs: How Their Use Can Impact Your Life

➤ Business Plan Development Series

 Business Plan Development Series

➤ Manitoba Ambassador Program, Enhanced Version

 Manitoba Ambassador Program, Enhanced Version
*Company Name:
*Postal Code:
*Contact Phone:
*Contact First Name:
*Contact Last Name:
*Contact Email:
*Confirm Email:
*Number of Employees to Train: