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MTEC Training Facilities

Retail Theft: Protecting Your Staff & Customers – Video

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Due to continued escalation in crime impacting the tourism, hospitality and retail industry in Manitoba, MTEC has partnered with the Winnipeg Police Service and a security consultant from private industry, who was a former WPS Sergeant, to develop this new, Retail Theft video.

Highlights of this video include:

  • What is the difference between a Theft and Robbery
  • Trends - It's not just a (Winnipeg) Manitoba problem
  • You’ve had a theft or robbery - What now?
    • What you can expect from the law enforcement once you call 911
    • Impact of theft or robbery on your staff - How can you help?
    • What to do about reoffenders entering your business
  • Tips on what a business can do to protect itself against theft and robbery
  • Business policies on theft, robbery or other legal infractions
  • Building relationships
  • Security guards - what’s their role?

How to Register for this Video

Businesses in Manitoba can request a business account giving them access to view this online video. When your account is approved you can request access codes for each employee who you want to view the video, Retail Theft: Protecting Your Staff & Customers.

All accounts are reviewed by an MTEC Coordinator. Although this training video was created for the Hospitality and Tourism industry in Manitoba, because of the current drug situation impacting all businesses in the province, MTEC is providing all of this training free for all businesses in Manitoba.

Get started today by clicking the I Want a Business Account button below.

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